Natural Ways to Prevent and Control Diabetes

A diabetes diagnosis typically comes with a list of medications, a myriad of restrictions and complicated medical equipment.

A diabetes diagnosis is life-changing and can be life-threatening which is why it’s important to consult with healthcare professionals on management and treatment.

For those that prefer to follow a natural, holistic approach, there are certain things you can do to help stay in control and ease diabetes management.

Here’s a quick list we put together to help keep diabetes in check.

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes Tip #1 – Control Stress

That’s easier said than done for sure. It’s important for those living with diabetes to control stress because it can actually affect blood sugar, and here’s why.

“The hypothalamus, a tiny region in the brain’s base sets off an alarm system. Through a combination of nerves and hormonal signals, it prompts the adrenal glands to release hormones called adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases the heart rate, elevates blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases glucose levels in the bloodstream.”1

There are several steps you can take to help eliminate stress, and here’s a short list we put together to help:

  • ● Eliminate negative words and phrases from your vocabulary like I can’t eat this.
  • ● Chaos creates stress so set goals, create guidelines, stick to a schedule and stay organized. Checking things off a to-do list is a great stress reliever.
  • ● Make a conscious effort to be kind and surround yourself with positive people and situations. Find people that challenge you to eat healthy, not entice you with foods you should be avoiding.
  • ● Take a break from social media and tune out negative news and comments.
  • ● Start journaling and write your thoughts down – good and bad. It’s important to identify how living with diabetes makes you feel so you can identify challenges and celebrate success.

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes Tip #2 – Exercise and Create a Healthy Body

The word exercise can have a negative connotation associated with it and can feel more like a chore. Instead focus on the activity and what you’re doing with your body – going for a walk with your significant other, taking a group class with friends, exploring a new park, or stretching your muscles.

Squeeze exercise into the day whenever you can – even if it’s just a few minutes. If you need to schedule a 20-minute walk, then put it into your calendar. If it can only be a few minutes on one particular day, that’s ok. Some movement is better than no movement so make it a practice and part of your regular routine.

“Exercise helps control weight, lower blood pressure, lower harmful LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raise healthy HDL cholesterol, strengthen muscles and bones, reduce anxiety, and improves general well-being. There are added benefits for people with Diabetes: exercise lowers blood glucose levels and boosts the body’s sensitivity to insulin, countering insulin resistance and has been linked to lowering HbA1C values in people with Diabetes.”2

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes Tip #3 – Learn Healthier Ways of Eating

Knowing what to eat is often the most difficult part of diabetes, but factors like time of day, portion size, and food types all play a pivotal way. Here are a few suggestions to help you achieve success naturally with a few minor changes:

  • ● Eat several small meals throughout the day. Restaurant sized portions can always be split in half and saved for lunch the next day. Clearing the entire plate is not always the best idea.
  • ● Follow proper plate ratios – 50% vegetables, 25% starch and 25% protein to promote healthy eating and maximum control.
  • ● Monitor drinking vs. eating – coffee drinks, juices and sodas can easily rack up calories and sugar. Eliminating unnecessary calories and replacing with water will make a huge impact. Drinking a full glass of water with each meal also helps.
  • ● Eat more fiber, like broccoli, which stabilizes blood sugar and maintains regularity.
  • ● Stay away from processed foods like cookies, cakes and frozen, pre-made meals.
  • ● Slow down. Chewing more slowly makes us more mindful of what foods we are eating and gives more chance for success.

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes Tip #4 – Get More Sleep

The amount of sleep needed varies depending on age, health, stress levels, social life, line of work and a host of other factors. Most studies, however, report that “the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.”3 You may need more or less than this so it’s important to listen to your body and create the schedule that is right for you. Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system, alter blood sugar levels and affect concentration, focus and memory.

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes Tip #5 – Try Something New & Appreciate the Little Things in Life

You don’t have to be overly ambitious just try one new thing. If there has been something on your list for a long time, set an intention to start it now. It could be gardening, photography, meditating or learning a foreign language. The point is to start so that you can focus on something other than your diabetes.

Learn to appreciate the small things and wins in your life, no matter what they may be. If you went on a 20-minute walk, complimented someone, meditated for 5 minutes, ate your vegetables, or stayed away from that huge piece of cake then pat yourself on the back. Small wins add up and allow us to achieve even greater wins. Even if you’ve had a bad day look for one positive thing no matter how small.

Learning to Live with Diabetes Every Way

Finding a support system and educational resources are essential to controlling and managing diabetes. At Quest Health Solutions, we are here to provide the support and the resources you need. Whether you’re a patient, healthcare provider, diabetic educator or loved one looking for more information, we are here to support you on this journey and make it as stress free as possible. To learn more, contact us 1-877-888-7050 Option 3, Ext. 1011, email or schedule an appointment today. In the meantime, please continue to check our blog for more information and let us know about any topics you would like to learn more about in the future.

1. (2019) Mayo Clinic. Stress Management. Available at Click Here accessed on 25 February 2022.

2. (2020) Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. Available at Click Here accessed on 25 February 2022.

3. (2019) Mayo Clinic. How Many Hours of Sleep are Enough for Good Health? Available at Click Here accessed on 26 February 2022.